During a recent visit to Stowmarket High School headteacher Dave Lee-Allan and I discussed the new school building and the potential to create a great community asset Stowmarket. Following this visit we decided to set up a working group to discuss the next steps in developing an education & sporting complex on and in the area of the Stowmarket High school site, something many Stowmarket residents have been talking to me about for some years.
The new school building is an exciting and vital first step in modernising the educational offering of the town and I want to ensure we continue to develop the surrounding area for the people of Stowmarket.
The coronavirus outbreak has highlighted the importance of exercise and an active lifestyle to improve public health. There are great possibilities for enhancing the offer in the town and as the fastest growing town in Mid Suffolk people want more facilities. Helping, ultimately to improve the physical and mental health of children and adults across the town as well as adding to the attraction of the town for those looking to move to or invest in the local area.
The working group had its first meeting virtually on Thursday 27th August which was a productive and engaging discussion. The attendees included representatives from sporting groups, including Stowmarket Town Football club, Stowmarket Striders and Stowmarket Rugby club, representatives from local primary schools, local government, Mid Suffolk Leisure centre, Sporting governing bodies and Stowmarket Town Council.
At the conclusion of the meeting the decision to form a smaller task force to work up a strategy and implementation plan in order to begin the process of delivering a new 5G pitch and all weather track for Stowmarket alongside other sporting facilities and amenities to meet the needs of Stowmarket’s residents.
I will update this page with the task forces progress in the near future.