The outcome of the CQC report is disappointing and I have real concerns with some of the findings. The comments around midwifery and culture need to be addressed as a matter of urgency. Every parent should feel confident in the maternity care they receive, and it is imperative that every procedure and safety precaution is implemented by the hospital when delivering care.
I am also concerned with the processes for incident reporting and investigation at the hospital, as all staff should feel that they can speak up and have the confidence that anything they raise will be taken seriously and the improvements they suggest are acted on.
However, I have been assured by the Chief Executive and leadership team that the comments have been taken on board and they are proactively working hard to implement the CQC recommendations in order to deliver the high quality standards patients expect and deserve.
I have previously offered to meet with stakeholders at the hospital and will do so again, if this is felt to be of use. I would urge stakeholders now to work together to drive forward the recommended improvements to ensure that patients at West Suffolk Hospital receive the best care possible.